Saturday, July 26, 2008


My main aversion to personal blogs lies in their underlying message that the life of the person who is blogging is so interesting that others should postpone their lives to read about them. As I do not believe this to be the case concerning myself, I will address the matter briefly for those interested:

The primary purpose of this blog is not to tell you how wonderful and exciting I am or my life is (but really, I'm a quite wonderful and exciting person) but rather to inform those persons interested in wwoofing in the countries and farms that I will visit. There currently exists a great deficit of knowledge about wwoof hosts, and if it weren't for the blogs of other wwoofers, I would have most likely stayed in some undesirable farms and likewise missed out on great ones. I encourage other wwoofers to share their farming experiences on the internet as well until a more organized forum exists for feedback. Secondly, I hope this blog provides those friends and family members who are interested in learning about the farms I've been working in with an easy means of obtaining such information - I will try to concentrate more on the farms than myself, though the latter is inextricable from the former. And last but not least, I hope this blog to be a sufficient means of updating my many secret admirers scattered across the globe on my doings, if only to maintain their continued interest.